主題: 一個健康的家庭的功課 Lessons for a healthy family

講員: Pastor Steve Calmes

1. In the beginning 起初 (Genesis 創 1:27 –28; 2:24)

2. Family Theology 家庭神學 (Proverbs 箴 1:7 –9)

3. Shared Parenting 共擔父母教養的責任(Proverbs 箴 1:8; 2 Timothy 提後1:5; 3:14-15)

4. Responsibility of Children 孩子的責任(Exodus 出 20:12)

5. The Promise of Reward 獎賞的承諾 (Ephesians 以弗所書6:2-3; Proverbs箴 23:22,25)