1. Commitment to Christ
We believe full commitment to Jesus Christ is not only the basic core value of Christian faith, but also what pleased God. Every brother and sister of the church should offer whole body and soul to Jesus Christ.

2. Commitment to the Truth of Bible
We firmly believe Bible is the revelation of God, and HIS complete words, as well as the foundation and authority of Christian faith. Bible is not limited by time. God’s words are the principles guiding each Christian’s everyday life.

3. Commitment to Worship God
We believe the purpose of humans being created is to worship God. Therefore, the most important task of each Christian and church is to worship God with spirit and truth. We also believe worship is not limited to the Sunday worship once a week, but to commit to live the whole life obeying and pleasing to God.

4. Commitment to Prayer
We believe God wants his children to pray to Him. Our God is a God who listens and answers our prayers. Therefore, all church ministry and activities should start from prayer. The ministry planning and promotion must be completed based on prayer.

5. Commitment to Evangelism
We believe that before leading people to Christ, we are willing to become friends and build friendship with unbeliever friends. We also believe leading people to God’s kingdom is the work of Holy Spirit. Our responsibility is to be led by the Holy Spirit and faithfully show God’s love to unbelievers, as well share the Gospel of God’s salvation to them.

6. Commitment to Disciple Training
We believe every Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ. Through God’s Grace, we will learn to be more like Jesus. When we live a life that is pleasing to God and exert Christ’s love in relationship with others, the fruit of discipleship occurs. Therefore, through Sunday sermon and Bible teaching, we equip Christians to enable them grow and mature in Christian faith, and live a life like Jesus Christ.

7. Commitment to Serve Ordinary Christians
We believe in Christ, every Christian serves God through His special design. God’s Holy design includes individuality, spiritual gifts, experience and ardor. We believe the church’s responsibility is to equip, encourage and proactively help every Christian, to discover the gifts and talents God gives them, and to serve each other in Christ. We believe the main responsibility of Pastor is “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”.

8. Commitment to Church Growth
Although the growth of church membership does not represent bigger blessings that God gives the church, and the growing in church membership itself is not the goal of church, we believe God expects us to rely on His wisdom and might, with the life changing message of Jesus Christ, to get in touch with people. By adopting strategies and methods belonging to God, the number of people accepting Christ will grow and God’s church will thrive.

9. Commitment to Serving People
We believe Christ is the head of the church and He chooses to lead church by people. We believe the leaders of church must meet the Biblical leader qualifications. They must be Godly servant leaders with vision. We believe the church leadership must be team leadership which is conforming to the Biblical Teaching and effective.