Brother Cendal Engle

//Brother Cendal Engle

Sermon: 1 Corinthians 13

证道: Sermon: 1 Corinthians 13
Pastor Cendal Engle
经文:哥林多前书 13:1-13, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Love is Greater

证道: Love is Greater
Pastor Cendal Engle
经文:歌林多前书 13, 1 Corinthians 13

The Good Samaritan

证道: The Good Samaritan
Pastor Cendal Engle
经文:路加福音 10:25-37

The Great Commission

证道: The Great Commission
Pastor Cendal Engle
经文:马太福音 28:16-20

Real Religion

证道: Real Religion
Pastor Cendal Engle
经文:雅各书 1:26-27

Be Doers of the Word

证道:Be Doers of the Word
Pastor Cendal Engle
经文:雅各书 1:19-25, James 1:19-25

Listen Up

证道:Listen Up
Pastor Cendal Engle
经文:申命记 6: 4-9, Deuteronomy 6:4-9

The Power of the Gospel

证道:The Power of the Gospel
Pastor Cendal Engle
经文:Romans 1:8-17

Jesus is Risen

证道:Jesus is Risen
Pastor Cendal Engle
经文:Matthew 28:1-20

Contend for the Faith (II)

证道:Contend for the Faith (II)
Pastor Cendal Engle
经文:Jude 1:17-25